Friend, In the last few years with the onset of social media, we have become obsessed with other peoples lives. The glitz and the glamour, made up faces and fancy clothes. What you don't see is the countless hours it took to for that one "perfect" picture. Whatever your definition of success is (and it is different for everyone), we all want more. That desire for more can blind you to what you already have--and should be grateful for. I am talking about gratitude. Realizing that all you need is already inside of you. Knowing that you are a good person, having confidence in the goodness inside of you, and using that to help you to succeed. Remember it is not how much you have, but how thankful you are for what you have. When you appreciate what you have in your life then you can attract more good things to your life. When you focus on the good it grows.
Have a productive week.
Renaee Smith CEO/Founder IABX
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