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Five Things Your Editor Wants You to Know

Lauren Antrosiglio

Working with an editor is a scary proposition—even though editors don’t want it to be. We understand that your book is among the most important things in your life and getting it edited might mean big changes. There are things you can do before you submit your work that can help your editor get through it more efficiently. If the editor can concentrate on the content, you two will have a great relationship, and you’ll get a better book.

1. Make sure your work is complete. Editors don’t want to start on a manuscript that isn’t finished. It could mean a lot of extra work rereading chapters that have already been read once. And extra work for an editor means an additional outlay of cash for you.

2. Use a basic word program to submit your manuscript. Editors use Track Changes in Microsoft Word to make changes to a manuscript. It’s the most effective way for both editors and authors to make and respond to changes. Don’t submit your manuscript as a Google Doc or a PDF.

3. Take a little pity on the eyes of your editor and make your manuscript as easy to read as possible. When you submit your Word document, make sure to use a font that’s easy to read, like Arial. Make it 10- or 12-point, no smaller. And don’t put in a lot of different fancy fonts or sizes. Finally, be sure it is double spaced.

4. Use beta readers or a swap with another author before submitting your piece for editing. These people will find things you may have done wrong that you can fix before submitting for professional editing.

5. Don’t rush your editor. Your project may not be the only one they are working on. And sometimes they have to step away from a manuscript for a little while to gain perspective, just as you have to do while you’re writing it

Are you ready to discuss editing of your manuscript? Reach out to us


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